Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ready? OK.

So, it turns out I have a lot more work than I thought. A couple of prelabs and questionable readings turned into large, confusing and time consuming projects. Thus, for the past hour I have been reading about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Not how I pictured spending my sunny Saturday. How is it that I've had only two days of classes, and I'm behind on the work already? Gah, what a great start to the year. The three straight nights of partying add to that start. In other news, as I was procrastinating and contemplating the nutritional value of honeydew, I discovered a website that has the nutritional facts for virtually every food out there, fast food included. So I paroozed that a bit, and was able to enter in everything I ate today to see what my intake of certain vitamins and such was. And of course, I had way too much sat fat and sodium, and not enough of basically all the vitamins except for C. It's a pretty awesome website, and a very good way of keeping track what I'm putting in my body. In any case, I have got to stop procrastinating and return to my reading before I go out with B tonight. Work work work, then party!

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