Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today is the kind of day where I let nothing stand in my way. The recipe that I found for dinner - Chinese Lemon Chicken was no exception. Yes, so I may have almost burned down the house from decimating the frying oil and yes, I almost cooked my chicken in the microwave at a last ditch attempt to defrost it, and yes, I mistakenly drowned my Basmati brown rice in copious amounts of water, but in the end I had a super scrumptious dinner! Let's go through the highlights. The recipe calls for deep-frying the chicken cubes in corn oil. Since I had barely any corn oil left, I used canola oil and put the stove on high. Bad idea. After a couple of minutes heating the oil I decided to do a test piece, dredging the cube in some cornstarch before plopping in the pot. The chicken came out a nice crusty golden brown, so I plopped four more pieces into the pot and waited. Unfortunately, the oil kept getting hotter and hotter so soon I was burning the bejeezus off my poor unsuspecting chicken cubes. Smoke filling the kitchen quickly followed. I quickly opened every single window and fanned the smoke away from the....smoke detector? Oh wait, there wasn't one. Such a safe house, right? So then I said, well fuck it, and proceeded to stir fry my cubes of joy, making a nice pan sauce from the leftover oil. And it came out amazing. Granted the sauce is a bit funky, but I'm not complaining. So to every unwanted thought, difficult pain in the ass chemical reaction, sketchy unseen lunchmate, and early morning roof bangers today I say, fuck you. Not in a mean, go to hell kind of way, but in a hah you are not going to get the best of this girl, kind of way.

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