Thursday, November 18, 2010


I don't understand how the Biology department hired so many clearly unintelligent faculty members, at least when it comes to teaching. Maybe they're research is amazing or something. In any case, I have a biology professor who cruises through unhelpful powerpoint slides of pictures in the book at lightning speed, only pausing to add the occasional "yeah?" like we're actually understanding what she's saying to give out pop "bonus quizzes" that are actually part of our grade now and are difficult enough that even if you did go to class, you still won't get both questions right. So instead of rewarding the students who come to class, she's really just hurting everyone's grades. And insists that there be recitation on Wednesday when there's no classes and virtually everyone is home. Really? She sped through her lecture today, ending with an extra 20 minutes of class left. WAY TO BUDGET YOUR TIME PROPERLY. And she actually seemed really surprised when she was done too, like oh wow, I'm done? Such an ineffective teacher.

Then there's the bio lab professor who expects us to write a comprehensive lab report on labs 2 through 11. The labs basically go through creating a mutation, generating protein, purifying it and analyzing it to see what the mutation did, if anything. The thing is, lab 11 is the analysis of the aggregation of the protein, basically the entire point of all previous experiments. And the lab report is due before we do lab 11. So....what am I supposed to conclude? That my mutation MIGHT have worked but I don't have any idea whatsoever since we haven't analyzed it?? What kind of planning is that? No really, what am I supposed to be writing about? WAY TO BUDGET YOUR TIME PROPERLY. Honestly. Yet another reason why I hate biology. I might have to reconsider my double major.

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