Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jesus, Etc.

"Death by Jumping Spider"

I don't know about you, but I think that would be one of the worst ways to go. I had just settled at my desk after doing a mini cool down work out on my floor (and got four bug bites in the procees! I really need to fix my vacuum because this floor is in serious need of cleaning). I opened my computer to check my email and do a bit of procrastination before studying for my physics exam, and noticed something crawling up my desk. One of the weirdest, scariest, craziest looking bugs of my life. It seemed like it was crawling backwards and had entire too many legs to be a fly or a spider. Turns out some of those legs were like little mouth flappy things. EW. It was a small spider, but a scary ass spider. I pointed it out to the roomie, who promptly told me it was a jumping spider, and right on cue, it jumped down a little ways on the shelf. I freaked the fuck out. Now, I'm usually okay with bugs as long as they're not really close to me/on me. Creepy crawlies scare the crap out of me, but if its a good distance away, with no chance it'll crawl on me, I can stay calm and execute a plan of action. A jumping spider is a completely different story. We immediately started yelling for one of my suitemates who is not squeamish about killing bugs like the roomie and I are, and after a couple of terrifying hops, the spider was no more. May you rest in peace, but thank god you're dead.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Blonde Leading the Blind

Twenty weekend revelations:

1. I love the smell of bonfires
2. Doing all my work during the week actually paid off
3. I'm the odd one out
4. Strawberry jello is far superior to lime
5. It's always the littlest ones that'll surprise you
6. Only half my hair curls after being in braids
7. This sinking feeling is getting worse
8. I love lab on the weekends
9. I don't realize how dirty my glasses are until I'm constantly looking over them because I can see better
10. I need to be more social
11. Brandeis is beautiful
12. Taking that chance scares me half to death
13. I run solely on Einstein's coffee in the mornings
14. Eggs are my go-to hangover food
15. I think I'm getting sick
16. There are things from my past that make me scared for the future
17. Hunger trumps sleep
18. Plain Chobani with blueberries and granola is heavenly
19. Awkward awkward awkward
20. I know my Crayola crayons damn well

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Haven't Met You Yet

Urgh, I feel like a drugged up hamster stuck in a tiny cage with no running wheel to get all this pent up energy out. Except instead of being a drugged up hamster, I'm a stressed out chemistry student with a weekend's worth of work to do in two what should be fun filled days since there are no classes. And instead of being in a tiny cage, I'm stuck in some library or another slaving away at some lab or another while people are watching movies, getting drunk, or just hanging out without a care in the world. Fuck them. So, instead of using this hour before my Just Social meeting, which is unofficially canceled since it's just a party of two again, I'm on Facebook chatting, talking in the SCC, louging around doing nothing. It's my sort of mini rebellion. The amount of work that I have really frustrates me. I've already spent 12 hours this week in the library and have 15 hours in the library tentatively blocked in my schedule for the rest of the week. Which brings the grand total 27 hours in the library this week. And I have a day off. That does not look, sound, or hear right. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. The only thing I have to look forward to is a hopefully homework free weekend. BUT instead of doing fun things, I'll be at a two day activist training camp during the day, with nothing to do at night. Isn't that just fucking peachy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


After mending some consequences of my stupidity, completing my orgo exam, watching two episodes of Top Gear and downing some Odwalla Strawberry C Monster, I am in an incredibly good mood. It's almost inexplicable, except that I did just explain it...I haven't been in such a good mood in a while. I'm basking in doing no work tonight, a reward for living through this weekend and surviving my very first organic chemistry exam. But tomorrow, it's back to work! I have the rest of the week planned out, with specific tasks to complete each day. As long as I keep to my schedule, I'll be ahead of the game for next week, which I will sorely need. The amount of schoolwork has already stressed me out quite a bit, and the worst is yet to come.

I'm proud of myself for balancing everything on my plate so far. I made a good bit of progress done at the lab, running a colorful column for my postdoc, concentrating the suspected products and then bringing the samples down to NMR. Not bad for 3 hours of work. However, I have switched my hours at the lab from Saturday to Sunday, thereby making my Sundays full of lab and archery. There goes my homework day! I think I can do it though, I need to stop putting off my extracurriculars to do study - I can do both! Or so I hope. In any case, I'm excited for what's to come. My posts have been rather dull of late, as my life has been consumed by schoolwork and stress, but hopefully I'll find some time to write something interesting. :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

This House Is A Circus

10 things you should know about me:

1. I'm terribly indecisive
2. I'm a really slow eater
3. I love dressing to the nines
4. There are somethings I'm incredibly OCD about
5. I'm allergic to tree nuts
6. I hate chocolate milk
7. I'm really bad at putting my thoughts into words
8. I analyze, re-analyze, and then over analyze everything
9. I have an unexplainable girl crush on LIGHTS
10. I can be incredibly awkward

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Girl Who Broke in Two

Sitting in the SCC studying on a Saturday night. It's cold. I'm tired. I'm pissed the fuck off because my vacuum is down for the count. I'm confused. I don't know what to do. I want coffee. Einsten's is closed. I have an exam in three days. It was a good day. Not a good night. Bad mood. Goodbye.

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Mirror-Blue Night

Sitting on the bed munching on cheddar bunnies (they're like goldfish, but better) chatting with the roomie being ridiculously happy. After a super stressful week full of late nights and freak outs, I can't think of a better way to start off the weekend! Good Thai food, good Boston movie and good company :) And tomorrow is Dessert Showcase - basically I get to be a fat ass and eat a ton of free baked goodies. Now it's bedtime, maybe I'll actually get the recommended 8 hours of sleep!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Train Under Water

The last 48 hours of my life:

5 hours of fun in Boston with some old friends. 6 hours of unusual partying. 6 hours of "sleep." 3 hours of actual sleep. 1 hour of debriefing over pancakes. 2 hours of procrastination. 3 hours of actually doing work. 1 hour of looking at food. 3 hours of half doing work. 1 hour of guiltily actually doing work. 3 hours of sleep. 1 hour of angrily cursing the rising sun. 2 hours of work. 3 hours of class. 2 hours of sleep. 1 hour of class. 2 hours of socializing and eating. Now, hopefully 5 hours of uninterrupted work. Like that will ever actually happen.

Fun things I have to look forward to this week:

9 hours of organic, biology and physics lab
9 hours of work back in the chem lab
0 hours of group meeting
3 hours of being yelled at by an angry judgmental philosophy professor
1.5 hours of what should be relaxing but is actually stressful yoga

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


My life has been fairly uneventful as of late. I was recently reunited with my wallet after having forgotten it at home, which was a big plus. The stacks and stacks of reading and labs I have to do are not. The amount of homework that I have to do is so intimidating that I mostly just push it all away and watch a couple of episodes of Bones. It's difficult to figure out where I should start., so instead of trying to figure it out, I don't. No, but in all seriousness, I do have a schedule set up - if I will follow it is yet to be seen. My drive to work always seems to be canceled out by my need to nap. I almost fell asleep in every single class today. Now after lunch, I have hours and hours of free time I should be devoting to being hunched over all things science in the library, but instead I'm writing an uninteresting blog post and eyeing my oh so comfy bed. In my procrastination, the roomie and I found this:
Moral of the story? A chemistry degree gets you absolutely no where, and anesthesiology is definitely the way to go. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I Melt With You

Reasons I HATE summer:

- MOSQUITOES. (I literally have 16 bug bites on my legs and I wore jeans. MY LEGS ITCH LIKE NO OTHER)
- people who think it's suddenly okay to wear bikinis 24/7
- the disgusting humidity that makes you sweat just standing outside and glisten all day
- the unbearable heat
- shorts
- my lack of the ability to tan
- the large amount of people who suddenly decide they like the beach