Tuesday, September 21, 2010


After mending some consequences of my stupidity, completing my orgo exam, watching two episodes of Top Gear and downing some Odwalla Strawberry C Monster, I am in an incredibly good mood. It's almost inexplicable, except that I did just explain it...I haven't been in such a good mood in a while. I'm basking in doing no work tonight, a reward for living through this weekend and surviving my very first organic chemistry exam. But tomorrow, it's back to work! I have the rest of the week planned out, with specific tasks to complete each day. As long as I keep to my schedule, I'll be ahead of the game for next week, which I will sorely need. The amount of schoolwork has already stressed me out quite a bit, and the worst is yet to come.

I'm proud of myself for balancing everything on my plate so far. I made a good bit of progress done at the lab, running a colorful column for my postdoc, concentrating the suspected products and then bringing the samples down to NMR. Not bad for 3 hours of work. However, I have switched my hours at the lab from Saturday to Sunday, thereby making my Sundays full of lab and archery. There goes my homework day! I think I can do it though, I need to stop putting off my extracurriculars to do study - I can do both! Or so I hope. In any case, I'm excited for what's to come. My posts have been rather dull of late, as my life has been consumed by schoolwork and stress, but hopefully I'll find some time to write something interesting. :)

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