Monday, October 18, 2010

Bottoms Up

Waking up completely stressed out is one of the worst feelings in the world. I was suddenly jerked awake into a world where everything was already wrong the second I looked at my phone and it told me it was 12:20pm. Fuck. I had slept through every single one of my morning classes, including a class I haven't been to in a week (sleeping through my alarm is becoming common, it seems), a class I have no idea what the professor is rapidly spouting in her German accent as she circles random things with the mouse on her slides, and a class wholly dedicated to reviewing for an extremely important and difficult exam the next day. On top of that, I was in desperate need of a shower, had an appointment across campus at 2pm, and needed to do some last minute cramming for an exam in the afternoon. Everything was just so overwhelming and I was so angry at myself for yet again sleeping through my classes (I didn't even go to bed THAT late...only 3:30am). Stressed out panicking soon ensued. I banged my way around the suite, slamming the microwave shut and generally running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I didn't even look at my suitemates and snapped at my boyfriend. Needless to say it was not a good morning. The thing is, the only person/thing I was mad at, and had a right to be, was myself. I really cannot keep doing this. To prevent this from happening again, I've taken some precautions, namely going to bed at a slightly more decent time, setting both a phone alarm and actually using my alarm clock, and giving my roommate permission to push me out of bed if I don't wake up unless specifically told not to do so. We'll see how things go.

1 comment:

  1. haha nice metaphor with the chicken. and URGH I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. i haven't been to law in a week, blaaaah! i'm going to text you to make sure you go to bed on time :P
    oh, and let's do something rewarding this weekend...this week was ridiculous.
