Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Forecast

It's surprising how quickly coffee cools. Small coffee from Einstein's obtained at 8:30pm. Small coffee from Einstein's is ice cold at 10:30pm. I guess two hours is a little too much to ask for a little paper cup of coffee to stay nice and warm. But it's cold here and I wish I had some yummy hot coffee to warm me up! Tonight is hell night, the night I have to finish a take-home midterm for tomorrow as well as study for an inevitably ridiculous biology lab exam in the morning. After a week full of intense late nights full of studying for two other exams, last minute orgo labs, and trying to get ahead of the large pile of work that is threatening to drown me so I can properly enjoy freebie week, I am exhausted! My brain is exhausted, my body is exhausted, everything is just. so. damn. tired. Work and studying are two things I physically cannot do at the moment. And it really isn't the best time for that. Exam. Essay. Complications. Death. But I must persevere. Fight through the pain. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, right? Though I don't doubt that this monster of a physics book sitting next to me could do some serious damage. I'm a nut in a rut. Doing scut. Under a hut. Sitting on my butt. Got a paper cut. Ouch. Okay, I'm stopping.

Looking at my to do lists week after week has finally hit the concept of taking 3 science classes with the associated labs home in my head. The amount of work I have each week is daunting, and I can never get ahead. If anything, I'm always scrambling at the last minute to get things done. Sometimes it's because I decide to procrastinate instead of work, but other times it's simply because I have so much work. Everyone has always looked at me as if I'm insane when I tell them what classes I'm taking, but I've always shrugged it off and claim it really isn't that bad. Because for the longest time, I thought it wasn't. It was just work, and in the beginning of the year I could be on top of things with just a few choice late nights in the library. But now in October, the holiday-less month, things are really hitting me. I've worked my ass off for these exams this week, as well as to get ahead with work so I can genuinely enjoy my exam-less week without worrying about work, and still I feel like I'm behind. I'm in desperate need of a break. I cannot wait for 1:30pm tomorrow to come around. 1:30 is freedom from this sick cycle of nonstop, ridiculous, annoying, stressful, work work work!

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