Tuesday, February 8, 2011


At the start of the semester, I decided to pack in as much non-studying related fun as I could, often spending my nights watching some obscure TV show, or playing Cooking Mama. Since the work load in the first couple of weeks is relatively light, I got by doing minimal work, and maximizing my free time during the day so my work load was manageable and not I-take-three-science-classes scary. However, it's all coming back to bite me in the ass. Karma, I suppose. This week may be one of the worst weeks ever, and it's only Tuesday. The amount of things that I had to do kept piling up, and after taking inventory, deep breathing was necessary to not have a complete break down. Full blown stress hit me hard and fast, to the point where it's hard to think. And yet, I almost have no motivation to do any of it. It's all things that I don't want to do, or are too intimidating to think about. I have 11 applications to complete in less than a week. I have two exams on the same day, along with a "creative" biology lab presentation, followed by two physics labs and an orgo lab report due the next day. I have more applications than I have fingers, and less sleep than I have toes. Every little thing becomes blown out of proportion and "fuck" is a common word in my daily vocabulary, as evidenced by swearing profusely at messed up fly eyes for two hours. It's overwhelming. I just want to curl up against a warm body and let the outside world disappear for just a bit. In those moments, everything is okay, and there are strong arms to protect me. But sometimes, this crappy messed up world invades and destroys that too. I need to toughen up and take on the obstacles face to face. I'm not going down without a fight.

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